Walter Keim
Torshaugv. 2 C
N-7020 Trondheim, 30.4.2002
Mr Romano Prodi
President of the Commission
European Commission
B-1049 Brussels
24 May 2002: The Commissions answer
PS: This letter got nr. A (2002) 883311 in the register
of President's correspondence. You can find it by specifying Keim
as Sender's name
and pressing the Search bottom.
of information came 1766
Sweden, 1951
to Finland, 1966
to den USA and 1970
Norway. In 1981 the Council of Europe gave "Recommendation
No. R (81) 19" on the access to information held by
public authorities. Since then both EU and nearly all countries
in the EU and Europe adopted such laws. However citizen rights in
member states vary and there are no minimum standards. In order
to keep up with the international development freedom of
information should be strengthened in EU member states.
Support Freedom of Information, by
the following E-Mail to the European Commission (click here):
I support the call to the
European Commission and Council for democratic and accountable Freedom
Information Laws on access to public documents in EU and member
(You may change the text according to your needs).
Thanks to all who have given comments. Please do not hesitate to mail
me if you have comments.
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