Emne: Abolish Forced Psychiatry
Fra: Walter Keim <wake@online.no>
Dato: 04.12.2018, 13:25
Til: Postmottak SMK <Postmottak@smk.dep.no>, postmottak@stortinget.no

To: Prime minister, Parliament

Petition: Abolish Forced Psychiatry on the basis:

- Page 5 of the speech of Special Rapporteur on Torture Juan E
Méndez in 22. meating of the "Human Rights Council" 4. March
2013: "States should impose an absolute ban on all forced and
non-consensual medical interventions against persons with
disabilities, including the non-consensual administration of
psychosurgery, electroshock and mind-altering drugs, for both
long- and short- term application. The obligation to end forced
psychiatric interventions based on grounds of disability is of
immediate application and scarce financial resources cannot
justify postponement of its implementation."

- Report A/HRC/22/53 of the Special Rapportuer on torture and
other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of 1. February 2013,
Section 82.: "The prohibition of torture is one of the few
absolute and non-derogable human rights, a matter of jus cogens,
a peremptory norm of customary international law."
Binding Psychiatric Advance Directives (German Advanced
directive) can be a first step.

Norway has the highest use of coecion in psychiatry in Europe.
5 UN committees, Human Rights Commissioner of the Council of
, Mental Disability Advocacy Center (MDAC), Ombud against
discrimation (LDO)
, Direktorate of Health, Disability
support reduction and removal of coercion.


Walter Keim
Netizen: http://walter.keim.googlepages.com
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Call to Abolish Forced Psychiatry in Europe: