European Union Agency for
Fundamental Rights
Agence des droits fondamentaux
de l' Union Europeenne
Agentur der Europäischen Union
für Grundrechte

UnilCommunicaticm and External Relations
Rahbasse 3
- 1060 Vienna

tel. 4 3 (1) 58030-0
fax 4 3
(1) 580 30 -693


FRA, Unit Communication & External Relations, A.1060 Wien:

Walter Keim
Torshaugv. 2 C
N-7020 Trondheim


Vienna, 29 March 2007


Dear Mr. Keim,

Thank you very much for your correspondence dated 5th of March 2007 and

the supporting information provided.

The European Union's Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) undertakes a

range of tasks to raise awareness, support the protection of, and improve

knowledge on fundamental rights in the European Union. The fight against

racism, xenophobia and related forms of intolerance is also a core element of

the promotion and safeguarding of fundamental rights. To gain a better

overview of the Agency's activities in this area, please refer to the attached

fact sheet.

The Agency's mandate does not extend to dealing with individual complaints;

however, the Agency is able to provide information on mechanisms and

bodies at the international, national, regional, or local level which may be in a

position to assist individuals.

These mechanisms are best placed to assess, examine and act upon

complaints. They can offer advice on how to lodge an official complaint at the

appropriate level. The Agency has provided a series of links to these

mechanisms, together with further information related to combating

discrimination, in the attached Annex.

The European Commission and/or the Council of Europe play a role in the

human rights field. The European Commission is empowered to deal with

breaches of Community law in relation to fundamental rights, while the

Council of Europe has well established human rights mechanisms. Again,

please see the attached annex for relevant links.

We truly hope that the advice and information here outlined will prove useful

in addressing your concern to the appropriate body.

Yours cordially,

The FRA Information Team

Facsimile of the letter