[Europe] [Norwegian] [German: folter-abschaffen.de]

Call for Stop Torture in Psychiatry in Norway

Abolish forced psychiatric interventios (6) on the basis:

Binding Psychiatric Advance Directives (German Advanced directive) can be a first step (1).

Norway has the highest use of coercion in psychiatry in Europe (2).

5 UN committees (3), Human Rights Commissioner of the Council of Europe, Mental Disability Advocacy Center (MDAC), Ombud against discrimination (LDO), Directorate of Health, Disability organisation support reduction and removal of coercion.

Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights recommends 2013. " that the State party incorporate into the law the abolition of the use of restraint and the enforced administration of intrusive and irreversible treatments such as neuroleptic drugs and electroconvulsive therapy"

The UN Committee against Torture (CAT/C/NOR/QPR/8) asks Norway 2015 preparing Norway’s report for 2016:

(a) “Whether the use of restraints and the enforced administration of intrusive and irreversible treatments such as neuroleptic drugs and electroconvulsive therapy has been abolished in law...

(b) Ensuring that every competent patient, whether voluntary or involuntary, is fully informed about the treatment to be prescribed and given the opportunity to refuse treatment or any other medical intervention... ”

The UN Committee against Torture recommends in CAT/C/NOR/CO/8

22. The Committee reiterates its recommendation (see CAT/C/NOR/CO/6-7, para. 14) that the State party:

(a) Ensure that every competent patient, whether admitted voluntarily or involuntarily,
is fully informed about the treatment to be prescribed, including shielding,
and given the opportunity to refuse shielding, treatment or any other medical
interventions, such as the administration of neuroleptic drugs and electroconvulsive treatment;

In General Comment 1 premise 42 the CRPD-committee states about force in psychiatry:

As has been stated by the Committee in several concluding observations, forced treatment by psychiatric and other health and medical professionals is a violation of the right to equal recognition before the law and an infringement of the rights to personal integrity (art. 17); freedom from torture (art. 15); and freedom from violence, exploitation and abuse (art. 16).”

There is a need for effective remedies, redress and guarantees of non-repetition to overcome Torture and other ill-treatment in psychiatry:

Campaign to Support CRPD Absolute Prohibition of Commitment and Forced Treatment: https://absoluteprohibition.org/author/chrusp/

Sign the Norwegian campaign: https://www.causes.com/campaigns/102618-stop-torture-in-psychiatry-in-norway

It is necessary to inform UN Committees for CRPD, CCPR and Torture.


  1. Psychiatric Advance Directives: http://psychrights.org/Countries/AdvanceDirectives.htm

  2. Compared with other European countries, Norway ranks the highest when it comes to the use of compulsory: http://wkeim.bplaced.net/files/Europatoppen_tvang.html

  3. Norway violates it's human rights obligation to reduce and remove coercion in psychiatry: http://wkeim.bplaced.net/files/UN_coercion.html

  4. 30. Janury 2017: UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, Special Rapporteur on Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Special Rapporteur on Health issue Urgent Appeal to Norway on forced treatment/hospitalization (ref. UA Norway 1/2017): https://spcommreports.ohchr.org/TMResultsBase/DownLoadPublicCommunicationFile?gId=22955

  5. Minkowitz, Advocacy paper on forced interventions as torture: http://www.chrusp.org/media/AA/AG/chrusp-biz/downloads/29591/supplementary_paper_on_article_11.doc

[Patients rights]