The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to health Mr. Pūras has called for «World needs “revolution” in mental health care». “There is now unequivocal evidence of the failures of a system that relies too heavily on the biomedical model of mental health services, including the front-line and excessive use of psychotropic medicines, and yet these models persist”
Norsk psykiatrisk forening (NPF),
1.11.21, kopi: Jan Ivar Røssberg
Kunnsskapsløft: World Psychiatric Association anbefaler bl. a. Safewards og WHO’s QualityRights Initiative for reduksjon av tvang på basis av CRPDs krav om torturfrihet
er medlem av World Psychiatric Association (WPA). WPA ser CRPD
menneskerettighetene som torturfrihet og foreslår
alternativer til tvang med bedre omsorg og behandling og
fokus på recovery bl. a. ‘Safewards’,
Core Strategies’,‘open
door policies’,
and the WHO
Quality Rights Initiative for
reduksjon av tvang:
«Of central concern is the protection of human rights, and the extent to which coercive interventions violate these. These include rights to: liberty; autonomy; freedom from torture, inhuman or degrading treatment; physical and psychological integrity of the person; non-discrimination; and a home and family life. These rights have been set out most recently in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) as they apply specifically to people with disabilities, including those with psychosocial disabilities. World Psychiatric Association (WPA) Position Statement and Call to Action: Implementing Alternatives to Coercion: A Key Component of Improving Mental Health Care.
Practices that constitute coercion include:
Formal detention restricting the ability of an individual to leave a facility
Treatment without consent (or ‘compulsory treatment’), any form of treatment including the use of psychotropic medication
Seclusion locking or confining a person to a space or room alone
Restraint actions aimed at controlling a person’s physical movement, including prolonged or unsafe holding by other person(s), the use of any physical devices (‘mechanical restraint’,chaining etc) and the use of psychotropic drugs for the primary purpose of controlling movement (‘chemical restraint’). Note: chemical restraint does NOT include the judicious use of medication prescribed for treatment purposes.
Reduksjon av tvang ønskes oppnådd med hjelp av alternativer:
«The use of coercive practices, such as those listed above, carries the risk of harmful consequences, including trauma» World Psychiatric Association (WPA) Position Statement and Call to Action: Implementing Alternatives to Coercion: A Key Component of Improving Mental Health Care
alternatives to coercion (such as ‘Safewards’, ‘Six Core Strategies’, ‘open door policies’, and the WHO Quality Rights Initiative),
rapporteur for rett til helse og WHO og Europarådet tar
til orde for radikale forandringer og et paradigmeskifte. Recovery og
tvangfrie alternativer til helseskadelig overmedisinering er
sentralt. Open
dialogue, Basal
Eksponeringsterapi (BET), Heidenheim
klinikk og Safewards med
rom for medisinfri behandling er forbilder.
Npfs strategi om reduksjon av tvang trenger et kunnskapsløft for å nå opp til et akseptabelt etisk nivå i pratisk respekt av menneskerettighetene og traumaforebugging.
-- -- Walter Keim Netizen: Case Keim Against Germany: No Right to Information Law in Bavaria: Paradigm shift: Can Open dialogue achieve multiplied recovery rate, reduce schizophrenia per year and halve disability allowance/sickness? Pasientenes erfaringer med fravær av beskyttelse mot helseskadelig behandling, menneskerettigheter, demokrati og rettssikkerhet Urgent Appeal to Norway by UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention: ‘Discontinue forced treatment/hospitalization immediately’ Call to Abolish Forced Psychiatry in Europe:
PS: Sundhedsstyrelsen, 2021: Anbefalinger for nedbringelse af tvang for mennesker med psykiske lidelser