(ca. 50 km east of Stuttgart, Germany), from 1609 til today.
Keim, 1609-20.Nov.1687, Bezgenriet (village 8 km south of
town Göppingen [Goeppingen] ca. 40 km east-southeast of
Married to Anna Keim, born 1611-15.Feb.1667, Bezgenriet.
Their son was:
Keim, 1.Mar.1651-11.Nov.1747, Bezgenriet.
Married to Anna Maria Keim, born Rock, 13.Jan.1665-29.Jan.1729,
Bezgenriet. Their son was:
Georg Keim, 22.Jan.1695-6.May.1761, Bezgenriet.
Married to Catharina Keim, born Laiblin, born
24.Jan.1701-26.Sep.1784, Hattenhofen. Their son was:
Georg Keim, 27.Oct.1725-6. March 1807, Bezgenriet.
Married to Anna Barbara Keim, born Vollmer,
10.Dec.1725-6.Nov.1790, Bezgenriet. Their son was:
Michael Keim, 24.Apr.1757-22.Apr.1817, Farmer, Bezgenriet
(village 8 km south of town Göppingen [Goeppingen] ca. 40 km
east-southeast of Stuttgart).
Married to Anna
Katharina Keim, born Hoffmann, 5.Apr.1767-26. Aug.1844,
Bezgenriet. Their son was:
[Mathaeus] Keim, 11.Mar.1807-18.Aug.1847, Shepherd,
Married to Ursula
Keim, born Waibel, from Lautern (village ca. 15 km east of
Schwäbisch Gmünd [Schwaebisch Gmuend], 5.May.1810-1887.
One of their sons was:
Keim, 16.Aug.1840-1891,
Goldsmith, Schwäbisch Gmünd (town ca. 50 km east of Stuttgart,
Married to Karoline Keim, born Herkommer, 1843-1899, from (Bad?)
Mergentheim (ca. 45 km south of Würzburg, south Germany).
One of their sons:
Eugen Keim, 22. Nov. 1869-1952,
Goldsmith, Schwäbisch Gmünd.
Married to Theresia Keim, born Rauscher, from Schwäbisch Gmünd,
They had 10 children. One of their sons was:
Alexander Keim, 6. Feb. 1904 - 3. July 1975, Paymaster, Schwäbisch Gmünd.
Married to Maria Keim, born Bohn, 29. Nov. 1913 - 19. April 2009, Seamstress, Haselbach
(small village 5 km north of Schwäbisch Gmünd. They
have/had to children:
Reinhilde Konradine Koch, born Miller 8. June 1946, Merchant,
is the daughter of Alexander Keim.
Walter Keim, born 25. March 1948 in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Engineer
Dorothea Keim, 31. July 1954 - 28. Feb. 1981, born in Schwäbisch
Gmünd, Student in Berlin.
The sources of this information are mainly the church books of the mentioned towns and villages and http://www.ancestry.com/ and http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com/.
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